The Stream that is life: My journey with accepting that I’ll not be the very same

Pulkit Rana
2 min readNov 2, 2020


They say that human cells keep on regenerating. We shed skin, nails, hair, feelings (deeeep) continuously and it’s bound to happen. That’s the beauty and sad truth of life. Nothing good stays, nothing bad lingers. So, what makes it so difficult for us to accept a comparatively bigger change. Be it a breakup, a loved one passing away, even losing something that meant “something” to you (materialistic or non-materialistic things)

I’m not here to explain you the steps to overcome the sorrow, well it will be better not to take an engineer’s advice on this! The answer is not always at the end of a bottle. :P (pun intended) Here, I just want to tell about what made me realise the mere fact that nothing is constant and the sad part about it is that you feel helpless at that time and can either “try” to accept it or choose to live in the past and screw up the future.

So, just to use the story of Icarus as a reference. The moral of the myth warns against the needless search of instant satisfaction and not think of yourself as a being who cannot be “defeated” in this context. Life is a running stream and not a static pool. Try to accept the change, however big it may be and be happy about the people and things you have around you. I know it is much easier to say and difficult to implement but well, that’s what life is!

Well, that was a hell big of an introduction. Sorry if you slept in between, reading through the middle. Now, coming back to the point. It’s a story of a boy (brownie points for guessing) who liked to play football and was fairly good at it. Throughout his high school, university and hell, even after that; the fire of football continued to be lit in his heart. What if I tell you that doing the thing that he loved the most (brownie points for guessing); something happened that will change a significant part of his life, not for good, definitely and how he tried overcoming the obstacle of overthinking. Well, not entirely for obvious reasons. I am only human after all (brownie points if you’re humming the song like I was when writing this). But, as Nina Simone sung “It’s a new dawn, It’s a new day, It’s a new life for me yeah” (again, thanks for singing along ;) ) Learn to appreciate the little things, not only you become more grateful, you’ll definitely be happier.

Hope, you enjoyed reading it!



Pulkit Rana

Fascinated by tech, aesthetics, non ficts, food(who isn't?). I like to train, meditate and cook in my free time. Mostly quiet sidekick to some extroverts.